Create a slide deck that will help you expand on your BMC chart in detail as you refine how your selected company will create value for itself while delivering a new product or service for customers.


In the BMC slide deck, you will make educated assumptions (based on research in Marketline, Yahoo Finance, or the company’s website) about your selected company’s resources, partnerships, cost structures (what needs to be paid for), how the product or service will be marketed, value delivery (product sold online, in-store, or both), and the unique value proposition for a specific targeted market segment.

All 9 segments of your redeveloped BMC must encompass elements to achieve new product/service feasibility.

Beyond profitability, other key elements that the experienced project manager stressed were diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), as well as corporate social responsibility (CSR). In the marketplace, companies that have diverse project teams get varied perspectives that help the overall project. Just as important, companies that “give back” to the communities they serve do better and are supported by millennial buyers—a big target segment for many companies.

Financials, DEI, and CSR must be addressed in the funding pitch, which you will complete as your course project, due in Module Seven.


Create a slide deck that will help you expand on your BMC chart in detail as you refine how your selected company will create value for itself while delivering a new product or service for customers.

Create a slide deck that will help you expand on your BMC chart in detail as you refine how your selected company will create value for itself while delivering a new product or service for customers.
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