Give reasons why you decided to work part-time. What are the positive and negative effects you get from your part-time job?

Question. For a topic: “Studying factors influencing the decision to work part-time of students at Thuongmai University”

2. Provide a report on qualitative and quantitative data analysis of one study related to the topic. (at least 600 words)

Write a report analyse all the qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative data given to you is the percentage of each choices and you can imagine the data for the qualitative questions, it can be not exactly.

Research questions for qualitative:
Give reasons why you decided to work part-time
What are the positive and negative effects you get from your part-time job?
In your opinion, which part-time job is most suitable for Thuongmai University’s students?
How do you balance your work and school schedule?
In your opinion, what are the possible negative effects of working part-time because of appearance problems?

Research questions for quantitative:
What’s your part-time job?
A. Tutor 32%
B. Collaborators 25%
C. Waiter/Waitress 33%
D. Other 10%

What salary do you get monthly?
A. 7.000.000 VND 10%
B. 5.000.000 VND 28%
C. 3.000.000 VND 45%
D. Other 17%

How long do you work part-time in week?
A. 7 hours 23%
B. 5 hours 34%
C. 6 hours 27%
D. Other 16%

Are you satisfied with the salary you received?
A. Yes, of course 57%
B. No, absolutely not 40%
C. I am not sure 3%

How long have you been working?
A. 2 years 26%
B. 1 year 33%
C. Few months 35%
D. Other 6%

What was your study result before working part-time?
A. Excellent 15%
B. Good 37%
C. Very good 31%
D. Average 16%
E. Other 1%

After working part-time, how have your study result changed?
A. Constant 47%
B. Increase 7%
C. Decrease 45%
D. Other 1%

If the part-time job affects your study result, do you decided to quit the job?
A. Yes 48%
B. No 51%
C. Other 1%

If your study schedule and part-time job schedule overlap, how would you make the choice?
A. Take a break from part-time work and continue with the school schedule 75%
B. Take a break from that class and go to work part-time then adjust later 15%
C. Other 10%

Does your appearance affect your decision to apply?
A. Yes 25%
B. No 60%
C. Maybe 10%
D. Other 5%

If the part-time job is contrary to your major or does not help your major, do you choice this job?
A. Yes 33%
B. No 48%
C. Other 19%

Give reasons why you decided to work part-time. What are the positive and negative effects you get from your part-time job?
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