Choose 3 separate items to place in our Ovidian Garden and write a short paragraph description of its mythological connection and one properly cited direct quote from the Metamorphoses.

Ovidian Garden Ovids The Metamorphosis

Choose 3 separate items to place in our Ovidian Garden. Each item will need the name of the item, the genus/species name, a picture, a short paragraph description of its mythological connection (paraphrase must be cited!!) and one properly cited direct quote from the Metamorphoses.

The garden should be made up entirely of plants, flowers, animals, objects, etc. from the Metamorphoses. If you choose an item outside the normal gardening box you MUST have some kind of explanation on how it would fit in the garden.

Choose 3 separate items to place in our Ovidian Garden and write a short paragraph description of its mythological connection and one properly cited direct quote from the Metamorphoses.
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