Choose a current or past clinical case and write a scholarly paper that describes the relationship between a social determinant of health and a specific health outcome.

Social Determinant of Health-Education and Literacy

Choose a current or past clinical case and write a scholarly paper that describes the relationship between a social determinant of health and a specific health outcome (e.g., education and literacy, income and social status, childhood experiences and anxiety, or housing and asthma, income and obesity, etc.).

Using the Introduction-Methods-Results-And-Discussion (IMRAD) format

Recommendations for change and reasons why (medical and social) should be based on three – five peer reviewed/published articles on the topic.

The paper should be no more than 5 pages, not including cover page or references. A two-page Appendix will be allowed.

Choose a current or past clinical case and write a scholarly paper that describes the relationship between a social determinant of health and a specific health outcome.
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