Respond to the below discussion post explaining what are some aspects of the social and business interactions that you will want you and your staff to avoid?

Business Management

Respond to at least three classmates’ initial posts to provide comments, insights, or questions that further the discussion.

Consider that the president of your company has just told you that a multinational company is interested in purchasing a large amount of the products that you and your group are responsible for. You have been charged with meeting with the team from Brazil, India, Finland, and Nigeria hosting their visit, and negotiating the agreement, including pricing. A fellow worker is going to help you with the research, you will each research two of the country’s cultures.
What can you do to plan ahead and educate others about the international groups?
I would educate people about the difference cultures that we would be hosting. I would also allow people to know what positions that people in each group play. Understanding the culture of Nigerian and Indian members displays respect. When respect is displayed people will work harder for you because they trust you. So, the plan would be to learn of each culture
Consider How do you communicate during the meeting with your colleagues?
There re a few ways to communicate with my colleagues. Here is always practical business language whereas everyone understands the mission or goals for the organization. Communication of this can be through e-mail, conference, video calls or telephonic calls. During these meetings you want to be clear and concise ad for international use an interpreter. Interpreter would be needed to clarify somethings even though most people from Nigeria and India speak English.

What are some aspects of the social and business interactions that you will want you and your staff to avoid?

During social and business interactions it is important to be aware of what you say verbally and how you say it. Meaning your body language and face means a lot. For instance, waving your hand side to side is a gesture of “No”. Also, when speaking to a person from India be very careful how and when you move your head. The Indian culture many people nod their head as a gesture of yes or that they are being attentive (India 2022). In American culture it means No to nod your head side to side. Nigerians must be addressed by their professional names (Nigeraia2021). Also, it is important to wait to extend you hand for a handshake from a female.
Identify aspects of culture that are most important to each country. In Nigeria food, religion, clothing, marriages, rituals and dancing are very Important to business professionals as it displays trust and happiness. While in India Greeting, Festivals, and Religion. Festivals are always happening in India so its good to know when they are being celebrated. Much like Nigeria Family Structures are very important. Lastly, it is important to remember that many marriages are arranged in India.

What can you do to plan ahead and educate others about the international groups? Consider How do you communicate during the meeting with your colleagues?

When meeting with the individuals from the international groups, you and your colleagues should research those countries, their cultures, and what they value. Also, you should learn and understand how other countries approach a negotiation meeting (“Chapter 14”, n.d.). However, before even sitting down in person with the individuals, you will communicate through email or phone, so learn the proper etiquette (“6 Tips”, 2021). For example, Brazil believes in a hierarchy that should be respected. So when communicating with individuals from Brazil, keep in mind that they respect individuals with power and seniority. Unlike Finland, which believes in a hierarchy for convenience purposes, managers rely on employees for their experience and knowledge (“Country Comparison”, n.d.).
During these meetings, be respectful of the other countries’ time when communicating with your colleagues. Do not spend the meeting going back and forth with your colleague; instead, go into the meeting with a clear understanding of the negotiation and what your company will accept. Also, have clear communication clues through verbal or nonverbal queues (“Chapter 14”, n.d.).

What are some aspects of the social and business interactions that you will want you and your staff to avoid?

Some aspects of social and business interaction you and your colleagues should avoid are ignoring the other party involved and assuming that international negotiations are similar to local negotiations. By ignoring the other party, you might miss that they are set on a specific price or aspect, but if you notice that, you will be able to change and positively frame your standpoint. Also, assuming that your international counterparts will be as easy to negotiate with as your local counterparts, you could disrespect them or miss a vital part of their culture. You and your colleagues should research how to interact with international counterparts so you know what to avoid that could cause you to lose the negotiation (Buell, 2007).

Identify aspects of culture that are most important to each country.

Brazil has two aspects that rate higher in importance for them: Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance. Power Distance for Brazil is represented by following a hierarchy, and that status shows power in society. Individuals with more seniority should be respected at work and in personal relationships. Uncertainty Avoidance in Brazil means they have a strong need for rules and structure. Individuals should follow the rules and law in work and everyday life, if they don’t they are weak (“Country Comparison”, n.d.).
Finland’s two aspects are Individualism and Uncertainty Avoidance. Individualism means that individuals are expected to look after themselves and family only. In business, the manager’s and employees’ relationship is built on the understanding that hiring and promotions are based on work ethic and not personal relationships. Uncertainty Avoidance for Finland means they have a preference for avoiding possible uncertainties. They have a strong understanding of the rules that must be followed, that time is money, and that job

“With approximately 190 countries and seven billion people on Earth, it is not hard to imagine that many diverse cultures exist. Given this, one Baylor College of Medicine expert explains the importance of respecting other cultures and offers tips on how people can learn more about different cultures” (Bernstein, 2017). To plan for business guest from other countries I would first conduct research about their cultures. I would use my research to ensure the environment was appropriate for their arrival. For example, making sure there is nothing that would offend them for décor. Religious symbols, women wear revealing clothing, décor that could be offensive. For business and social interactions to avoid, I would ask my employees to avoid negotiating unless they have a culture understanding of their culture. “Research shows that deal making across cultures tends to lead to worse outcomes as compared with negotiations conducted within the same culture. The reason is primarily that cultures are characterized by different behaviors, communication styles, and norms” (Shonk, 2021). Educate employees on the common stereotypes and help them avoid them along with biases. Last make sure employees are familiar with customs and courtesies. In every culture what is interpreted as polite is extremely import. In short what I would do to prepare for culturally different guest would be to do as much research as possible through good internet sources and diverse people, then I would brief all of my employees the rules of engagement for that visit.

Respond to the below discussion post explaining what are some aspects of the social and business interactions that you will want you and your staff to avoid?
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