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First post is by John Skripko

Throughout this course, I have learned many things that will help me as I continue my education in Project management. When looking at the integration of it into our faith and education some things can be done.

As for education one can pretty much integrate many things from this course into that. For me, an example would be quality. “Quality management simply refers to activities which are involved in the determination of quality policies, and their applications in business through ways such as quality assurance and quality planning” (Quality Management: Sony Corporation). Quality can be important in education as one can ask questions about whether or not the education, they are receiving is of good quality to them. Another thing is managing the quality of things we allow in our life. This may sound weird, but it can be very beneficial to our spirit. By looking at the things we allow in our life we can begin to see the areas that are either growing us or hindering us. If we don’t check the quality of our lives, there could be things that are hindering us in more ways than we could know.

Lastly, in this course, I learned that Project management is something that one can use throughout their life. Doesn’t matter if it is your job field or not. The things taught in this course and another PM course really can help us live better lives. They can help us learn how to be better people and grow in our faith.

2nd post by John Magee

The topic of Lean Supply and Just in Time Inventory is an important one in the manufacturing and inventory control world. The idea of lean supply is to use fewer resources such as people, inventory and floor space, equating to reducing extra inventory and running an operation as efficiently as possible. However, this is a great concept assuming the supply chain is always on without flaws and challenges.

The Just in Time model was introduced in the 1970s by Toyota when they started having car parts delivered at the plant the moment they needed them for assembly. As soon as the cars would go out, they would have a new set of parts coming in just as they needed them. Just in Time became a global practice.

The issue back then and now is that if something goes wrong the company suffers immensely, which is what has happened with the Covid-19 pandemic and the supply chain.

The pandemic created lockdowns and restrictions in many manufacturing facilities worldwide, varying from country to country. This was such a problem because businesses have become so global. The predictability of unpredictability is not going away.

Companies have been forced to move away from Lean Supply and Just in Time Operations because the supply chain is not running smoothly now. They are having to invest in technologies that offer real-time visibility to be able to see every part of production in the supply chain of their orders. This allows for better communication with their customers and more trust in their company. It is also important for manufacturing companies to prepare for the future. When demand is more predictable, it will allow them to react more quickly giving them a competitive edge.

In summary, Lean Supply and Just in Time is an effective practice in “normal” times but currently, the world is still feeling the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Adjusting to situations and changing procedures to better an operation is important for success in any business.

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