What role should teachers take when dealing with children and families who have experienced a death and who are in the process of grieving?

CASE STUDY; How Far Should We Go

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Discussion/Study Questions
1. List what you learned/know about each of the characters in the case.

2. What do you think is motivating the thoughts/actions of each of the characters?

3. What are the issues/problems in the case?

Additional Questions

1. In light of Brian’s family situation, what other avenues could the teachers take to get help for Brian?

2. Given the severity of Brian’s learning disability, is it realistic for the teachers to expect to bring his reading skills up to grade level?

3. What role should teachers take when dealing with children and families who have experienced a death and who are in the process of grieving?

4. Do you feel that Brian’s mother’s continued depression and despair five years after the death of her husband is a typical or predictable component of the grief process?

5. Do you believe that this classroom is the “best” placement for Brian? Are the teachers able to meet his needs?

6. What instructional modifications were tried with Brian? Were they effective? Why or why not?

7. Considering the added pressures and responsibilities that Brian’s mom has faced since the death of her husband, what additional family supports might help alleviate her situation?

What role should teachers take when dealing with children and families who have experienced a death and who are in the process of grieving?
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