Provide a detailed response to each of the following posts (Post 1 and 2) in 200-245 words each with 2 references from the attachments.

Strategic Human Resource Management Response Post

Provide a detailed response to each of the following posts (Post 1 and 2) in 200-245 words each with 2 references from the attachments.

Post 1: Two of the top HR strategic challenges for 2022 and beyond that I have experienced thus far are the resignation of talent and finding qualified and experienced candidates to hire. These challenges will continue to be a challenge for managers.

Over the past year, in my department, we have lost 5 out of 7 of our employees who have been with the organization for 3-7 years. This has not been something that only my industry has faced, but others across the country. I believe this is due to the shift in how people could work in remote environments, a time for them to possibly advance their career, or being unhappy in their positions. A survey conducted by Pew Research Center found that low pay, a lack of opportunities for advancement, and feeling disrespected at work are the top reasons why Americans quit their job (Parker, Horowitz, 2022). In addition, with many employees working from home, industries realized they could work from anywhere in the world and not necessarily only during the times of 9-5. “Because these work arrangements give us more flexibility and control over our lives, and more autonomy and freedom in how we structure our lives, I don’t think people are willing to go back to traditional work environment” (Fox, 2022).

Some recommendations on how to improve this challenge are to try to introduce a flexible work environment for your employees and try to focus more on career advancement and growth. If possible, for your industry, try to be flexible with some of your employee’s demands. After working completely remote for close to two years, many employees have become comfortable with this format, and forcing them to come into the office full time, is a hard transition. I would recommend introducing a hybrid environment and including your employees in the process, establishing a consistent schedule, and investing in team building (Castrillon, 2022).

In terms of development, I believe this is an area that more managers need to focus on with their employees. Development prepares employees for positions in the company and increases their ability to move into jobs that may not exist yet (Noe, 2019). Although you hired employees to do their specific job, you cannot expect these employees to be happy and consistent in the same role year after year. Development is especially critical for talent management, particularly for senior managers and employees with leadership potential (Noe, 2019). We have had many instances in our department where only one employee knows how to conduct his/her position. When this person decides to resign and move on with their career, we are stuck in a position of not knowing how much this person did for the company, so it is important to develop others in the office who could possibly be promoted into the role when others leave.

In 2022, it has also been very difficult for my organization to find qualified and experienced candidates to even bring in for an interview. We receive various levels of resumes and many are not even qualified enough to bring in for an interview. Based on XpertHR, this is also an issue that many organizations struggle to find high-quality applicants (XpertHR, 2020). To help rectify this challenge is for HR to focus a lot of time, effort, and money on their staffing strategy. “Staffing strategy refers to the company’s decisions regarding where to find employees, how to select them, and the desired mix of employee skills and statuses (Noe, 2019). This strategy also includes influence training used to make promotion and assignment decisions (Noe, 2019).

Post 2:

There are a number of HR strategic challenges for 2022 and beyond that can be discussed; however, I chose to focus on talent retention. One of the trends that are expected in HR in the next 5 years is a talent shortage, which will invariably drive up investment in human capital. In fact, “winning the talent war” is almost at the top of every list of future HR challenges in the next coming years, making employee experience and wellness, a top priority for HR leaders in 2022 (Khatri et al., 2006).

Thousands of new HR jobs will be created in the next decade, but competition for these positions is likely to be strong. Candidates with a master’s degree or professional certification are expected to have a leg up on other applicants, especially for higher-level positions” (Desarno et al., 2021). With competition fierce for good talent, successful HR managers need to give top workers a reason to come work for them. An environment needs to be created where people enjoy being there, and have no reason to entertain leaving. Data-driven initiatives already under way are predicting employee retention and suggesting which employees in the organization are likely deserving of recognition through a merit increase. New HR positions oversees HR’s use of data to proactively retain employees and assist in internal career mobility, with learning and training opportunities (Desarno et al., 2021). Many new HR roles focus on creating a powerful employee experience that mirrors the customer experience.

Provide a detailed response to each of the following posts (Post 1 and 2) in 200-245 words each with 2 references from the attachments.
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