Make an argument defending the idea that the progressivism expanded democracy.

Progressivism- expanding and limiting:

Make an argument defending the idea that the progressivism expanded democracy.

Be sure to follow the format outlined in the instructions below.

Include a Properly Formatted Main Statement at the end of the Introduction paragraph.
(One Clear Argument with two reasons to defend the argument in one sentence)
Include at least one excerpt/sentence from anywhere in the book. These excerpts should support your argument
The post must contain specific examples and clearly explain why/how those examples prove your argument. Be sure to not only mention specific examples, but also describe how those examples support your argument. Do remember – Our “argument” lives in it’s examples.)

The Post should be three paragraphs long
1) Introduction (2) Defense Paragraph #1 (3) Defense Paragraph #2.
As always a Paragraph = minimum of 5 sentences

Make an argument defending the idea that the progressivism expanded democracy.
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