Write a final comment to your peer about two of the overall strengths and one overall weakness of the first draft.

Description of the Optimum EZ Glucometer

Select a draft to review that has not already been reviewed or only has one review.
Enter your feedback in the “Technical Object Peer Review Form” and return the “Technical Object Peer Review Form” to your peer.

Your narrative responses must be in complete sentences and must use language found in “peer review sample”

Peer Review Questions
The description uses correct terminology and effectively explain the terminology to a non-technical audience. If it does not, point to places where the writer needs to explain terms.

Provide suggestions for meeting the assignment guidelines.

Write a final comment to your peer about two of the overall strengths and one overall weakness of the first draft.

Write a final comment to your peer about two of the overall strengths and one overall weakness of the first draft.
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