Identify the tenets of the social disorganization theory, and write a 2-page paper examining this phenomena in LA.

Social Disorganization Theory

In the 1930's, two prominent sociologists, Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay, formulated their Social Disorganization Theory based on observations of the social dynamics they observed in Chicago, Illinois from 1900 – 1933. Is this theory an anachronism, or can it be applied to at least one California city, Los Angeles, in 1992?

Identify the tenets of the social disorganization theory, and write a 2-page paper examining this phenomena in LA. See pages 115 – 119 in your textbooks, edition 9.

Book: Criminology, 9th Edition By: Adler ISBN: 978-0-07-814096-9

Identify the tenets of the social disorganization theory, and write a 2-page paper examining this phenomena in LA.
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