Choose an approved business topic or Health Strategy from the topic list document, then write a five-page executive summary on the topic.

Investing in the future, what does it mean for an individual

You have been asked by your boss to thoroughly research information on a chosen topic for him or her to review. Write a FIVE-PAGE executive summary on this topic.

1) Choose an approved business topic or Health Strategy from the topic list document, which can be found by going to the “Home” tab on Canvas. Then, scroll down to the “Assignments” section.

2) Write a five-page (5) to eight-page (8) executive summary using APA formatting. The paper should be double-spaced with one-inch margins. Use Times New Roman or Calibri, 12 pt. font.

3) The five- to eight-page content section of the paper should include interesting information about current events and information on your selected topic. The finished product will be a formally-written brief that you could hand into your boss. You are to provide in-depth details about your topic.

The paper should be written in third-person. This paper summary should not sound
conversational or as if one is reading a “speech.”

Choose an approved business topic or Health Strategy from the topic list document, then write a five-page executive summary on the topic.
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