Choose an internship or apprenticeship program to pursue in a year or so. Prepare a résumé that outlines your education, experience, and other qualifications.

Job Application Packet

Find a job description or advertisement for a position that interests you. This should be a REAL JOB advertised on a company’s website or through employment websites like or

Choose a job you’re qualified for now, or choose an internship or apprenticeship program to pursue in a year or so.

Read the ad carefully so you understand the rhetorical situation . Who’s your primary audience? What does this employer want? Can you show you are the best candidate for this job? Will you need references?

Prepare a résumé that outlines your education, experience, and other qualifications. Prepare a cover letter (or letter of application) addressed to an appropriate point of contact.

Choose an internship or apprenticeship program to pursue in a year or so. Prepare a résumé that outlines your education, experience, and other qualifications.
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