Use the assigned reading (i.e., your textbook) and outside materials to prepare your position/views/arguments. Present your position/views/arguments based on scholarly research.

Are American families falling-off?

Task: Participate in eight class discussions/debates pertaining to the topics listed below.

You will take a for/against stance and present your views on these topics, as well as argue against the view(s)/post of another classmate.

Use the assigned reading (i.e., your textbook) and outside materials (i.e., data and research from think tanks, such as Pew Research Center or from government published data sites, such as U.S. Census Bureau or Data.Gov, and
peer-reviewed journal articles and books; see the suggested list of journals on page 4) to prepare your position/views/arguments and submit them by the scheduled dates and time.

Make sure to present your position/views/arguments based on scholarly research and cite it as well; no personal opinion will be considered as a valid view/argument.

Use the assigned reading (i.e., your textbook) and outside materials to prepare your position/views/arguments. Present your position/views/arguments based on scholarly research.
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