Write a 250 word reflection of how you would support the language acquisition needs of your future students. Address how you will support the student or group of students in your future professional practice.

Topic: ELL Instructional Strategies

Since ELLs are tasked with not only developing content knowledge but also acquiring proficiency in English, teachers must implement effective instructional strategies to address all the learning needs of an ELL.

Part 1 Answer each of the following questions:

What are some strategies teachers use to teach foundational reading skills (concepts of print, phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency) to ELLs?

What strategies do teachers use for vocabulary development and student practice?

What are some strategies teachers use to teach the elements of language (phonetics, phonology, morphology, lexicon, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics) to ELLs?

How do teachers use Response to Intervention (RTI) or Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in ELL instruction?

Write 2 additional questions you would like to discuss with an ELL teacher.

Part 2:

Plan and Reflect Assume you are observing a classroom with English language learners. How would you focus on instructional or support activities for ELLs.

For example, some activities include conducting a reading mini-lesson targeting a foundational reading skill; providing vocabulary instruction and practice within a content area; creating a targeted lesson based on student data to address a discrete element of language; and administering an assessment as a part of progress monitoring.

Write a 250 word reflection of how you would support the language acquisition needs of your future students. Address how you will support the student or group of students in your future professional practice.

How can you respect and promote the linguistic and cultural differencchoes of your future individual learners?

Write a 250 word reflection of how you would support the language acquisition needs of your future students. Address how you will support the student or group of students in your future professional practice.
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