Prepare your essay incorporating points from Weiss in your response in addition to one other reference source you locate in the Post University library or online source.

Business Ethics and the Changing Environment

You will use this writing assignment to address situations where ethical conflicts may exist in business situations and to consider strategies to address the conflict.
Business misconduct, corporate ethics, and cyberbullying are compelling, present issues.

Choose one of the following three assignment options for your essay:
1. The five most frequent types of business misconduct are as follows: misuse of company time; abusive behavior; lying to employees; company resource abuse; and violating company Internet use policies. Choose two of these five and discuss the implications of the misconduct from at least three stakeholders’ perspectives. Cite Weiss in your response and incorporate one other reference you locate in the Post University library or online source into your essay.

2. Your boss has asked you to write an essay on the topic “Why Ethics Matter in Business” to be published in the corporate newsletter. Prepare your essay incorporating points from Weiss in your response in addition to one other reference source you locate in the Post University library or online source.

3. Read Case Study 2, “Cyberbullying: Who’s to Blame and What Can Be Done?”
Write an essay in which you first provide a 200-250 word summary of the case study using your own words. Then respond to questions 2, 3, 4, and 5 on pages 58 and 59. Cite Weiss in your response and incorporate one other reference you locate in the Post University library or online source into your essay. Your submission should be written as an essay and should not include the questions in your response.
Provide a clear introduction, organized body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Prepare your essay incorporating points from Weiss in your response in addition to one other reference source you locate in the Post University library or online source.
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