Write a 2-page-report in which you analyze the relationships within a health care system that are necessary to achieve an organizational goal.

Topic: Systems and Ethics in Decision Making

Write a 2-page-report in which you analyze the relationships within a health care system that are necessary to achieve an organizational goal, explain how the health care system can serve as the framework for problem solving, and explain ethical questions associated with a specific situation.

Use the following resources that address the issue of ethics in health care: Bowen, S. A. (2015).

How would Kant approach this? A model for ethical healthcare business decisions. Retrieved from http://www.hfma.org/Leadership/E-Bulletins/2015/July/How_Would_Kant_Approach_This__A_Model_for_Ethical_Healthcare_Business_Decisions/ Mandal, J., Ponnambath, D. K., & Parija, S. C. (2016). Utilitarian and deontological ethics in medicine. Tropical Parasitology, 6(1), 5–7. Nelson, W. A. (2015). Making ethical decisions [PDF].

Retrieved from https://www.ache.org/-/media/ache/ethics/ja15_ethic_reprint.pdf?la=en&hash=96DC59A22EA6DC336D9D8CD87DE6205DE680D8EF

These resources examine the application of DECIDE in a health care setting: MakenaSolution. (Producer). (2010). DECIDE model [Video] | Transcript Retrieved from https://youtu.be/QwL1wug6nck Guo, K. (2008). DECIDE decision-making model [PDF]. Retrieved from https://www.wilderness.net/toolboxes/documents/safety/DECIDE%20Decision-Making%20Model.pdf

These resources focus on collaboration, community, and advocacy: The Community Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.thecommunityguide.org/ This site has extensive resources for community development and advocacy.

Office of Adolescent Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Collaboration toolkit. Retrieved from https://www.hhs.gov/ash/oah/resources-and-training/online-learning-modules/collaboration-toolkit/index.html U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.).

Strategic goal 1: Reform, strengthen, and modernize the nation’s healthcare system. Retrieved from https://www.hhs.gov/about/strategic-plan/strategic-goal-1/index.html Sabatier, P. A. (1988). An advocacy coalition framework of policy change and the role of policy-oriented learning therein. Policy Sciences, 21(2/4), 129–168. Intersog. (2016). Comprehensive guide to U.S. healthcare systchoem 2016 [PDF]. Available from http://ehealth.intersog.com/

Write a 2-page-report in which you analyze the relationships within a health care system that are necessary to achieve an organizational goal.
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