Focus on how case law both guides and affects public policy. Use and research the below Supreme Court case and write a case brief providing a caption identifying your case and brief.

Week 8 Assignment – Case Brief

Focus on how case law both guides and affects public policy.
Use and research the below Supreme Court case:

Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico v. Aurelius Investment, LLC
No. 18-1334 – Argued October 15, 2019
Whether the Appointments Clause governs the appointment of members of the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico (“the Board”), which Congress created through the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act of 2016 (“PROMESA”). Whether the de facto officer doctrine allows courts to deny meaningful relief to successful separation-of-powers challengers who are suffering an ongoing injury at the hands of unconstitutionally appointed principal officers.

Then, using your chosen case, write a case brief.
Your case brief should be 2–3 pages and include the following:
Provide a caption identifying your case and brief.
Identify the facts of the case.
State the procedural history of the case.
Identify the issue in question.
State the holdings in your own words.
Describe the court’s rationale for each holding.
Explain the final disposition.
Include other opinions.

Focus on how case law both guides and affects public policy. Use and research the below Supreme Court case and write a case brief providing a caption identifying your case and brief.
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