Discuss the overall cultural of a nursing school/department is thoroughly reviewed, including the atmosphere of the workplace and the impact of the landscape of nursing education.

Academic Culture Evaulation

Evaluate a university institution. Use pseudonyms for the school and leaders you are assessing.

Discuss the overall cultural of a nursing school/department is thoroughly reviewed, including the atmosphere of the workplace and the impact of the landscape of nursing education. Examples and scholarly sources are used to support the assessment.

Explores in thorough detail all three required groups (faculty; school of nursing; and leader) see groups in the paragraph below. Discuss in detail how each group impacts the nursing school/department culture. Positions are supported with scholarly sources.

The paper must include these impactful groups for the evaluation:

Trust level between faculty-faculty, faculty-student, and faculty-
administration relationships
Concepts of academic socialization, discipline loyalty, view of hierarchy,
and the impact of campus diversity and varied thought
Impact of Civility and Incivility

School of nursing
Challenges related higher education setting
Challenges related to the profession of nursing
Role of the organization related to the faculty morale and personal growth
(consider policies- both written and inferred)

Role of the leader of the school/department of nursing
Impact of the nurse leader on the culture of the school/department

Discuss the overall cultural of a nursing school/department is thoroughly reviewed, including the atmosphere of the workplace and the impact of the landscape of nursing education.
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