Using the materials and resources in Modules 6 and 7, locate and describe one research-based and one community-based information source that would be of interest or value to your chosen information community.

Child Abuse: The Information Sources Survey

Review all 4 examples of The Information Sources Survey

(185) Brave whistleblowers expose one of Australia’s worst child abuse scandals | 60 Minutes Australia – YouTube
Reaching the Vulnerable Child: Therapy with Traumatized Children
Mary Walsh, Terchory Philpot, and Mary Walsh

Using the materials and resources in Modules 6 and 7, locate and describe one research-based and one community-based information source that would be of interest or value to your chosen information community.

Review Components
A template for the assignment is available for download here: Information Sources Survey Template

Introduction: Based on your reading in the secondary literature and exploration of your community, clearly describe your chosen information community and the types of information sought and valued by its members.

Resources: Describe each source. List the two sources you located and provide the information listed below.
Identify if it is a research-based source or community-based source.

Position within the information cycle: Choose one and provide 1-2 sentences additional explanation.

Hours/Day of the event: Social media posts or breaking news
Days/Weeks after the event: New stories, social media, blog posts, magazine articles, secondary new stories, forum posts, etc.
Months after the event: Academic journal articles
Years after the event: Academic books & Reference works

Currency and frequency of update: Choose one, provide the year of publication, and provide 1-2 sentences additional explanation.
Online database
Reference work, encyclopedia, dictionary
Peer reviewed journal as a while
Published academic book on a particular topic
Web site or online community

Compare and Contrast: Provide an analysis and comparison of the content and uses of the research-based and community-based information sources.

To conclude, reflect on what this assignment taught you about your information community and the types of resources available for its use. Be sure to include a references section if you cite any articles from our course or your research.

Using the materials and resources in Modules 6 and 7, locate and describe one research-based and one community-based information source that would be of interest or value to your chosen information community.
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