What form of online/media formats do you think are most effective in positively impacting actions/behaviors/and decisions to improve overall health and well-being?

Health Communication Discussion Post #3

Thinking about how individuals/patients/populations access and use online media/channels to access health-related information while exploring the impact on decision-making approaches.

Discussion Post Questions:

Section 1:
Media Influence (Category #1)
Question(s) #1: Does media directly influence individuals/populations? What form of online/media formats do you think are most effective in positively impacting actions/behaviors/and decisions to improve overall health and well-being?

Social Support & Awareness (Category #2)
Question(s) #2: How do individuals/patients use social media for social support purposes linked to a specific health issue or concern? How does accessing information raise awareness of resources and/or services aligned with their health-related issues? (Provide an example and include the site of reference. Identify an area of interest, listed or not listed in the examples.

Personal/Professional Media Practices (Category #3)
Question(s) #3: Think about how YOUR current social media/channels influence your values, attitudes, beliefs, and financial investment decisions. How many social media sites are you engaged in and actively participate regularly in? Does one site take precedence/priority over the others? Why?

What form of online/media formats do you think are most effective in positively impacting actions/behaviors/and decisions to improve overall health and well-being?
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