Assess an established economic theory or economic policy or treaty that affects more than one country. Then write an 8- 12 page argumentative/persuasive research paper.

Topic: Economic Assessment

Your assignment is to assess an established economic theory or economic policy or treaty that affects more than one country. You will write an 8- 12 page argumentative/persuasive research paper.

The paper should cite approximately 5-8 peer reviewed full text journal articles retrieved from ProQuest, BE & T, InfoTrac, and Academic OneFile.

Your paper should integrate at least the following elements:
The presentation of a firm position regarding your stance or theory.
An offering of a strong position using evidence-based argumentation.
An address of opposing points as to present a well-rounded argument controlling personal biases and strengthening your argument while diminishing the opposition’s points.

Assess an established economic theory or economic policy or treaty that affects more than one country. Then write an 8- 12 page argumentative/persuasive research paper.
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