Fill in the blank: In ________(P), how does ________(I) compared to_______(C) influence_______(O) over_____(T)?

Type II Diabetes Mellitus.

This is a Case Study about a problem in a community.
Will the implementation of (I)_________________________in a population of ________________(P) compared to _____________________________ (C) improve ___________________ (O) in a period of ________________(T)?
In _______________(P), how does _________________(I) compared to__________________(C)
influence_______________(O) over_________________(T)?
Many people find that it helps them clarify their questions, which in turn makes it easier to find an answer.
Use PICOT to generate terms use in your literature search for the current best evidence. Once you have your PICOT terms, you can then use them to rewrite your question.

Question Templates for Asking PICOT Questions:
P: Population/disease (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, with a particular disorder)
I: Intervention or variable of interest (exposure to a disease, risk behavior, prognostic factor)
C: Comparison (compared to current process if there is a process in place, or compared to not having a specific tool, for example educating diabetes patients with xyz tool compared to educating patients without any tool)
O: Outcome: (risk of disease, the accuracy of a diagnosis, rate of occurrence of adverse outcome)
T: Time: The time it takes to demonstrate an outcome (i.e., the time it takes for the intervention to achieve an outcome or how long participants are observed).

Fill in the blank: In ________(P), how does ________(I) compared to_______(C) influence_______(O) over_____(T)?
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