Prepare a report that has an introduction that contains some background to the area you are sampling and the value of water quality monitoring.

Topic: Water quality report

You have been awarded a consultancy contract to report to the local government on the water quality of the water bodies in the vicinity of Kent St Weir. The local government has specified that the report needs to be easily understood by all councillors, most of which have limited, if any knowledge on water quality, and may only have time to read your executive summary. Your team (you and your classmates) have collected a range of data across different waterbodies. It is now your job to clearly report the findings to the client.

You will need to submit a report that:
Contains a cover page (with a title, your details, and an appropriate image).

Contains a summary of your findings (Executive Summary). Like an abstract this should cover the key aspects of your survey and be understandable in isolation from the rest of your report.

Has a contents page.

Has and introduction that contains some background to the area you are sampling and the value of water quality monitoring.

Clearly states the aim of your project (this is the scope paragraph at the end of the introduction).

Has a concise description of the methods collectively used, including a map of all sites sampled with your group’s specific sampling sites identified within the larger data set.

Has text presenting the data collected and referring (at least) to a series of maps like the ones you created in the GIS pracs. Remember figures appear after they are cited in the text. The findings should refer to how the water bodies parameter compare to the water quality guidelines for your area of focus. Clearly separate in your text findings for the wetlands from the river, and for the River identify what is occurring above and below the weir.

Has an interpretation of the data that explains in plain English your findings, identifies areas of concern now or potentially in other seasons, and any recommendations for areas to continue monitoring or investigate

Prepare a report that has an introduction that contains some background to the area you are sampling and the value of water quality monitoring.
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