After choosing your topic, locate and record citations of articles that pertain to your research topic. Briefly review the items that you find useful and discard the items that are not useful to your research topic.

Performance Enhancement and Injury Prevention

The final project for Evaluating Research in Fitness and Wellness is a research paper addressing a topic of your choice related to Performance Enhancement and Injury Prevention.

Creating an annotated bibliography will require the systematic collection of sources through library research, interpretation and analysis, and clear explanation through writing.

1. After choosing your topic, locate and record citations of articles that pertain to your research topic. Briefly review the items that you find useful and discard the items that are not useful to your research topic. Be sure to include multiple perspectives to support your research topic. Your review of literature should not be “onesided.”

2. Cite the article using APA style.

3. Write a concise annotation that summarizes the theme of article, including but not limited to the purpose of the research, methodology, results, and discussion. Within the annotation you should include:
An evaluation of the author’s authority or background
A comment on the intended audience
Compare or contrast this article with others that you have cited
Explain how this work relates to your topic
Any personal comments that will remind you of this work or give insight to the reader

VI. Conclusion: In this section, include 12 paragraphs that wrap up your findings and make your concluding remarks. What should the reader take home with them? Remember that a conclusion is the opposite of an introduction and that it should go from specific back to broad.

VIII. References: List of references in APA format.

After choosing your topic, locate and record citations of articles that pertain to your research topic. Briefly review the items that you find useful and discard the items that are not useful to your research topic.
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