In an essay paper, research and find one professional association in the field of public health or focus into your own interest that you are considering, such as QI, Finance, HR, etc.

Research a Professional Association
In terms of networking and professional development (e.g., continuing education), one of the most effective ways to stay connected in our field is through membership in a professional association.
For this assignment, research and find one professional association in the field of public health. You can look into your own interest that you are considering, such as QI, Finance, HR, etc.
Once you find the professional association, research the following and submit the document in the Canvas assignment link.

Include the following:

1. Name of Professional Association (include a link to the website) 2 points
Mission of Professional Association 3 points

Benefits to membership (resources, tools, continuing education, conferences, etc.) 5 points

What initiatives is this professional association involved in to help strengthen the greater community? 5 points
In an essay paper, research and find one professional association in the field of public health or focus into your own interest that you are considering, such as QI, Finance, HR, etc.
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