Present the description, symptoms, treatment, complication, medications, and patient goals/outcomes of the conditions listed below.

Cardiovascular Alterations

Download download here) on Cardiovascular Alterations. Each item in the template must be filled out.

The template will be at least 6 and no more than 12 pages long, not including the title page and reference page (8-14 total). Use APA format in the template as much as possible.

A minimum of 2 scholarly sources are required. However, to earn exemplary in the decision-making and clinical reasoning category, 3 or more scholarly sources are required. Sources need to be less than 5 years old. Follow the guidelines below:

Use double spacing for your introduction and conclusion—double spacing is not required in the table.

12-point Times New Roman font.

Include an introduction.

Spelling, grammar, and organization are appropriate, professional, and correct.

Include a conclusion.

Use in-text citations throughout.

Include a reference list.

For the conditions listed below, the description, symptoms, treatment, complication, medications, and patient goals/outcomes must be provided.

Stable angina

Unstable angina

Variant angina



Heart Failure

Inflammatory heart disease




For the treatments listed below, the description, what it treats, complications, and patient goals/outcomes must be provided.

Primary angioplasty

Thrombolytic therapy


Intracoronary stenting


Transmyocardial revascularization


Permanent pacemaker

Implantable cardioverter-defibrillato


Present the description, symptoms, treatment, complication, medications, and patient goals/outcomes of the conditions listed below.
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