Which school based interventions are most effecting for promoting the emotional wellbeing of children?

Cognitive psychology Topic: Decision Making Setting: Education and Mental Health
Research Question: Which school based interventions are most effecting for promoting the emotional wellbeing of children?

I. Problem Statement
a. Describe the contemporary problem that is the focus of your proposal with full details with respect to your selected applied setting. Here, consider how new developments or changes in your applied setting are creating new cognition-related challenges.

b. Identify your selected area of cognitive psychology (attention, learning, memory, language, or decision making) and appropriate foundational theories that apply to your selected problem. What are the foundational aspects of these theories, and how do they relate to your selected problem?

c. Describe performance issues in your selected applied setting based on limitations of human cognitive systems. What are some of the specific issues related to your contemporary problem, the applied setting, and the limits of the human cognitive system?

d. Create a research question that addresses potential improvements to practices in the applied setting based on the strengths of human cognitive systems.

II. Contemporary Relevance
Evaluate the utility of the theories you identified when describing your problem with respect to their strengths and limitations.
b. Which particular theory offers the greatest utility for practitioners to apply in addressing real-world issues specific to the contemporary problem you selected? Defend your selection.

III. Interpretation of Research Findings:
Explain how each primary or secondary resource you selected supports your research question. This is where you will apply sound methodological principles (by following the prompts below, a–b) to qualify the research results and statistical findings.

a. How do the research results and statistical findings apply to your research question and your proposed improvements?

b. Explain the strengths and limitations of the research results and findings in supporting the research question. This is where you will explain how the research results and findings you have reviewed support your research question and identify specific gaps in the research. In other words, in reviewing your sources, is there sufficient support for this research question?

IV. Methodological Principles:
This is where you will look at your research question (critical element I, part d) and determine what types of strategies or techniques you would use if you were to hypothesize improving upon the problem in your selected applied setting.

a. What socially responsible strategies and techniques could be used for improving upon human cognitive processes specific to your applied setting?

b. What are the implications for using these strategies and techniques? Consider, who and what about the applied setting would be impacted by this proposed solution? What would change, and how might these changes be received?

V. Conclusion
a. What potential future direction do you see from implementation of your research specific to addressing the contemporary problem you cited in critical element I, part a?

Which school based interventions are most effecting for promoting the emotional wellbeing of children?
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