Explain what are the essential characteristics of this voluntary humility of Jesus you can surface from these Bible passages?


Think about what you read above and spend some time with the following passages from the New Testament writings which speak to this ‘voluntary humility’ and ‘selfless servitude’ of Jesus and his disciples. Think carefully about essential aspects of this kind of humility and service:

Identify essential characteristics of Jesus’ humility and service to others: What are the essential characteristics of this voluntary humility of Jesus you can surface from these Bible passages?

Think critically about how this humility and service may differ from popular understandings of service to others.
Explain the significance of serving those ‘at the margins’ of society, ‘the least of these’ (Matt. 25:40, 45):
What types of attitudes have to be adjusted / confronted in order to . . .
‘love your enemies’ (Luke 6:27, 35)?
‘pray for those who persecute you’ (Matt. 5:43)?
‘forgive those who falsely accuse you’ (Luke 22:34)?
‘serve those below you’ (Matt. 20:25-27)?
‘die for those who do not deserve your love’ (Rom. 5:6-8)?
‘die for those who do not love you back’ (Mark 14:72)?
‘bring children to the center when others push them to the margins’ (Luke 18:16)?

Be sure to use headers to divide your content (e.g., “Essential Characteristics of Jesus’ Humility and Service,” “Serving the Disregarded”)

Explain what are the essential characteristics of this voluntary humility of Jesus you can surface from these Bible passages?
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