What is the dominant impression of the lake and its surroundings that you take away from the essay? Explain. “placidity”

Once more to the lake 

Read the excerpt from the story and answer the following questions:

1. Is White’s description of the lake palpable? How? Explain.

2. What is the dominant impression of the lake and its surroundings that you take away from the essay? Explain. “placidity”

3. To what sense does White’s description appeal? Bring the examples.

4. In his description of the “primeval” lake, White stresses its qualities of calm and timelessness. What particular details contribute to this impression?

5. In paragraph 5, White uses chronology and passing of time to organize his description. How does he do that? “the first morning”

6. When out in a boat alone, White didn’t want to disturb the “stillness of the cathedral” What are the implications of this phrase?
7. write a short summary

What is the dominant impression of the lake and its surroundings that you take away from the essay? Explain. “placidity”
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