What did he(Emerson) say that supports one of your own life beliefs. How is Emerson’s distrust of institutions and group decisions shown in his written works and in his life choices?


What did he(Emerson) say that supports one of your own life beliefs. Share that information if you choose. Look at how Emerson lived his own life.

How is Emerson’s distrust of institutions and group decisions shown in his written works and in his life choices? To answer this question look at the decisions he made about his profession and civic involvement and look at what he emphasizes in his essays. Give specific examples.

In quoting from the essays, do not use the examples that your classmates have used, if at all possible. Since Emerson says the same thing multiple ways, you should be able to find additional examples.

It will be easier to answer this question if you first watch the lectures and read the selections.

Your answer should be around 200 words.

What did he(Emerson) say that supports one of your own life beliefs. How is Emerson’s distrust of institutions and group decisions shown in his written works and in his life choices?
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