Identify and describe a major theological theme from a passage in either the selection from Romans or from Galatians.

Discussion board 7

Utilize at least one, in-text quotation with appropriate citation that demonstrates mastery of relevant vocabulary and concepts. A citation is a way to identify where you are getting specific information that you did not already know before working through the module materials.

When citing Church documents such as Dei Verbum and Verbum Domini, give citations with an abbreviation and always a section number.

When scriptural texts are cited, use the standard abbreviations given in a text like the Catholic Study Bible and include chapter and verse(s).

Give bibliographic information for the works you give in the in-text citations at the end of your post.

Identify and describe a major theological theme from a passage in either the selection from Romans or from Galatians

Identify and describe a major theological theme from a passage in either the selection from Romans or from Galatians.
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