What are two recommendations you would give to others, your current or future children, or family members about the choice to be single or to cohabitate with a partner? 

Singlehood and Cohabitation in the United States

For this week’s discussion, select and read three out of the four articles from the list below.  Take notes on two changes, two choices, and two constraints related to singlehood and cohabitation in the United States.

PICK 3 ARTICLES ONLY – Required Readings (cite by name and date)
Fry, R., & Parker, K. (2022, March 11). Rising Share of U.S. Adults Are Living Without a Spouse or Partner. Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project. Retrieved October 15, 2022, from https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2021/10/05/rising-share-of-u-s-adults-are-living-without-a-spouse-or-partner/Links to an external site.
Hurst, K. (2022, March 11). Rising share of Americans see women raising children on their own, cohabitation as bad for society. Pew Research Center. Retrieved October 15, 2022, from https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/03/11/rising-share-of-americans-see-women-raising-children-on-their-own-cohabitation-as-bad-for-society/Links to an external site.
Brown, A. (2022, April 6). Most Americans who are ‘single and looking’ say dating has been harder during the pandemic. Pew Research Center. Retrieved October 15, 2022, from https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/04/06/most-americans-who-are-single-and-looking-say-dating-has-been-harder-during-the-pandemic/Links to an external site.
Graf, N. (2020, May 30). Key findings on marriage and cohabitation in the U.S. Pew Research Center. Retrieved October 15, 2022, from https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/11/06/key-findings-on-marriage-and-cohabitation-in-the-u-s/Links to an external site.

Your Initial Post must address all 3 questions below:
1. Based on the survey data revealed in three articles, what are the most important choices (2), constraints (2), and changes(2) related to the rising share of singles and cohabitants in the US?

2. How does this trend data compare or contrast with your own personal experiences (or others you know) with singlehood and cohabitation?

3. What are two recommendations you would give to others, your current or future children, or family members about the choice to be single or to cohabitate with a partner? 

What are two recommendations you would give to others, your current or future children, or family members about the choice to be single or to cohabitate with a partner? 
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