Write a few sentences describing how each model explains the observation. Include a sentence stating your first model, and then a couple sentences explaining how it relates to your observation.


Choose an observation. You are not graded on the choice of observation, so feel free to choose whatever you wish. You do have to create interesting models, however.

Pick a new and different observation.

Write a sentence or two describing the observation. For example, “Lawyers are more respected than fast-food workers.”

Imagine three different speculations about why the observation occurs. These are your three models. Make sure they are unique and not just subtle variations on each other.

Write a one sentence statement of what your model is. The model should probably not directly mention the observation.

Write a few sentences describing how each model explains the observation. Here is where you explain that lawyers are generally more educated than fast-food workers and that they, therefore, will be more respected.

Thus, your assignment will look like this:

Section One: A description of your observation.

Section Two: A sentence stating your first model, and then a couple sentences explaining how it relates to your observation.

Section Three: A sentence stating your second model, and then a couple sentences explaining how it relates to your observation.

Section Four: A sentence stating your third model, and then a couple sentences explaining how it relates to your observation.

Write a few sentences describing how each model explains the observation. Include a sentence stating your first model, and then a couple sentences explaining how it relates to your observation.
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