Write a double-spaced 5-to-6-page memo (12 pt. font, 1 in margins) to the reporter, Minerva Baumann, about her article.

Memo Assignment

In this paper assignment you will be writing a double-spaced 5-to-6-page memo (12 pt. font, 1 in margins) to the reporter, Minerva Baumann, about her article.

The premise: you and Baumann (the author of the news article) are part of a guild of writers who are working to improve the accuracy and clarity of their social science reporting.

As part of this project. you periodically review each other’s stories and you’ve been assigned to write a review of “Study Gauges Americans’ Views on Military Intervention” by Minerva Baumann.

Because other members of the Social Science Writing Guild will not have time to read the original research, your job is to evaluate the original research as well as Baumann’s newspaper article.

Define and/or explain any social science terms you use so that everyone in the guild can learn from your knowledge.

Download the following:

Original Research Article

Journalist’s Story

Write a double-spaced 5-to-6-page memo (12 pt. font, 1 in margins) to the reporter, Minerva Baumann, about her article.
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