Create a relational schema for each of the following diagrams using the following notation.


Create a relational schema for each of the following diagrams using the following notation.

Table names are shown in boldface with attributes listed in parentheses. Primary key are underlined. Forigen keys are indicated by a separate statement that indicates the table referenced on the line immediately following the attribute list.

Here is an example:

Department (DepartmentID, DepartmentName, ManagerID)

ManagerID references Employee

Employee (EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, HireDate, DepartmentID)

DepartmentID references Department

PerformanceReview (ReviewID, ReviewDate, ReviewScore, Notes, EmployeeID, ManagerID)

EmployeeID references Employee

ManagerID references Employee


Create a relational schema for each of the following diagrams using the following notation.
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