Implement an addition operator that can add two BT objects together which results in a new BT object with name and court values that are the same as the left-hand side ET the addition operation the combined teams from each BT under the below condition.

Implement the Addition Operator

Implement an addition operator that can add two BT objects together which results in a new BT object with name and court values that are the same as the left-hand side ET the addition operation the combined teams from each BT under the following condition: No Team in the resulting teams vector will be the same as another Team there. Teams do not have to have the same address to be the same. You should use the Team equality operator.

Consider the statement below

joint_tourney – tourneyl tourriey2;

If tourneyl named Rising Stars takes place on court Barclays and has 4 teams, tourney2 named All Stars takes place on court MSG and has 6 teams and two of these teams are also participating in tourneyl, joint tourney will have 8 teams. The name of joint tourney wilt be Rising Stars and take place on court Barclays.


Implement an addition operator that can add two BT objects together which results in a new BT object with name and court values that are the same as the left-hand side ET the addition operation the combined teams from each BT under the below condition.
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