Select one of the listed countries, prepare a brief on that country, decide if you think America should have trade with that country, and then research the current American position to see if it aligns with your recommendation.


In this assignment, select one of the listed countries, prepare a brief on that country, decide if you think America should have trade with that country, and then research the current American position to see if it aligns with your recommendation.

Europe: Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Greece, Finland, Sweden
Eastern Europe: Kazakstan, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Turkey
Middle East/North Africa: Oman, UAE, Yemen, Pakistan, Morocco, Algeria, Kuwait
Sub Saharan Africa: Sudan, Angola, Kenya, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic
Asia: South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, Cambodia

Select one of the listed countries, prepare a brief on that country, decide if you think America should have trade with that country, and then research the current American position to see if it aligns with your recommendation.
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