In an essay paper, show what the job of teaching used to be like and what it is like now and then explain how teachers have helped it change.


In 5 pages answer the following questions: How Has the Job of Teaching Changed? How Have Teachers Helped Change It?

In the context of the US Education system.

Make a clear argument (your opinion), based on specific evidence.

Show what the job of teaching used to be like and what it is like now and then explain how teachers have helped it change. Focus the paper around technology and explain how the job of teaching has changed because of technology and teachers need to utilize it. Show how in the past it was common to use chalkboards and other classroom items but now we use smartboards, computers etc.

Show how teachers have helped in change, include some statistics on the technological literacy of teachers and what they have done to make changes in the classroom to include technology.

Feel free to include anything else that would answer the main questions at the top specifically and make the paper as best possible.

In an essay paper, show what the job of teaching used to be like and what it is like now and then explain how teachers have helped it change.
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