Choose a topic/issue(Death Penalty or abortion). In your paper include a non-religious argument for or against them, use scripture to support your argument.

Annotated Bibliography

Choose a topic/issue. This should be something you are interested in, something for which you will find research material from academic, credible sources, and something you can narrow to a doable project. It should also be a topic/issue you can argue for or against in a thoughtful and well-supported manner.

Possible topics are: immigration reform, environmental issues, or current social issues like health care or same-sex marriage.

Argue your point, and how to use the library’s database to find credible source material. Do not choose: abortion, death penalty and anti-vaccine.

Death Penalty and abortion are back in the spotlight, have a non-religious argument for or against them, use scripture to support your argument.

Write for a general audience that may or may not hold your religious beliefs.

As you begin to research your topic, you will take notes of the texts you read and compile them into a short summary of the text. This summary, or annotation, is placed below your MLA formatted citation of the source.

Your summary should also include commentary/assessment on the possible usefulness of the source as evidence to support your paper’s argument. You will use a minimum of 3-5 sources including at least one book, one website and one scholarly journal or newspaper (online or print), which means your bib should be 3-5 pages in length

Choose a topic/issue(Death Penalty or abortion). In your paper include a non-religious argument for or against them, use scripture to support your argument.
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