Write a post for an imaginary student blog To Read or Not To Read. How does the author support this central belief/main idea with other ideas, images, language, or emotional content?

Assignment 1

For this assignment, write a post for an imaginary student blog To Read or Not To Read. Curious, intelligent, busy undergraduate students visit this blog to find out about texts other students are reading.

In your post, you will review one of the readings we have covered so far this term and help your audience decide whether to read it on their own time or not. Obviously, they should read the text if it has been assigned to them for a class, so don’t make your review about that.

Choose your text.
Here are your options:

Rebecca Thomas, Etuaptmumk

Genesis selection from the Torah

Exodus selection from the Torah

Homer, Odyssey (excerpt from Book 9)

Sappho, Selected Poems (choose one or two as your focus)

2. Analyze the text.
What is the author’s purpose, audience, genre, and message? How does the author support this central belief/main idea with other ideas, images, language, or emotional content? Is there anything else that makes the text special?

3. Think about the audience for your blog post.
How much do your peers across the country already know and care about the text, its author or topic? Does the text contain ideas that could change their thinking? Would they benefit in some way from reading it?

Write a post for an imaginary student blog To Read or Not To Read. How does the author support this central belief/main idea with other ideas, images, language, or emotional content?
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