Examine a (global or local) social issue, event, or condition that you believe is culturally important and make an argument about it.

Research Paper

Examine a (global or local) social issue, event, or condition that you believe is culturally important and make an argument about it.

This can be a trend found in pop culture, news, entertainment, family life—there are no restrictions on the topic as long as it directly affect people today.

For example, you may want to write about why a specific audience should engage in a particular dietary lifestyle, what is causing obesity, why you should not donate to Green Peace, why we should ban plastic bottles, why we should label foods with genetically modified ingredients, why women/men should get maternity leave, why all children should receive free pre-school, etc. You could approach this paper as a solution to a condition or issue such as homelessness, under-vaccinated children, domestic violence, opioid use, or gentrification.

Also make an argument about the effects of a particular phenomena or trend on society—tinder and dating apps on romance, helicopter parents, childhood obesity, etc.

Suggest that you expand your mid-term essay for this assignment if you can—it will be much less work than starting over on a new topic.

Examine a (global or local) social issue, event, or condition that you believe is culturally important and make an argument about it.
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