Submit your full program code, including thorough comments describing what each portion of the program should do when working correctly.

Python Journal.

For this project, you will learn how to effectively plan, design, develop, and test an original program of your choosing. This program is your choice and it can be as complex as you wish.

This includes planning out the algorithm using pseudocode, coding your program using everything you learned from Units 1-3, and finally testing and debugging your program to make sure it fulfills your intended purpose.

Being able to create your own program can be beneficial in any career field. Anything that can be programmed or automated in any industry could make your work a lot easier.

Using basic Python to automate menial tasks can save you time and money. Whether you were in this class to learn programming at a professional level or if it’s just for fun, you will benefit from learning coding as a foundation of your technical skills.

Python Journal Template
Complete the following template. Fill out all entries using complete sentences.

PART 1: Defining Your Problem

State the problem you are planning to solve.

Describe any input data you expect to use.
Describe what the program will do to solve the problem.
Describe any outputs or results the program will provide.

<Write your journal entry response here>

PART 2: Working Through Specific Examples

Write down clear and specific steps to solve a simple version of your problem you identified in Part 1.

Complete the three steps below for at least two distinct examples/scenarios.
State any necessary input data for your simplified problem.
Write clear and specific steps in English (not Python) detailing what the program will do to solve the problem.
Describe the specific result of your example/scenario.

<Write your journal entry response here>

PART 3: Generalizing Into Pseudocode

Write out the general sequence your program will use, including all specific examples/scenarios you provided in Part 2.

Write pseudocode for the program in English but refer to Python program elements where they are appropriate. The pseudocode should represent the full functionality of the program, not just a simplified version. Pseudocode is broken down enough that the details of the program are no longer in any paragraph form. One statement per line is ideal.

<Write your pseudocode here>

PART 4: Testing Your Program

While writing and testing your program code, describe your tests, record any errors, and state your approach to fixing the errors.

For at least one of your test cases, describe how your choices for the test helped you understand whether the program was running correctly or not.
For each error that occurs while writing and testing your code:
Record the details of the error from Replit. A screenshot or copy-and-paste of the text into the journal entry is acceptable.
Describe what you attempted in order to fix the error. Clearly identify what approach was the one that worked.

<Record your errors and fixes here>

PART 5: Commenting Your Program

Submit your full program code, including thorough comments describing what each portion of the program should do when working correctly.

The purpose of the program and each of its parts should be clear to a reader that does not know the Python programming language.

<Copy your full program code here, including comments>

PART 6: Your Completed Program

Provide the Replit link to your full program code.

The program must work correctly with all the comments included in the program.

<Provide the link to your program here>

Submit your full program code, including thorough comments describing what each portion of the program should do when working correctly.
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