In an 1800 essay, based on the short story “her head a village” and “going to the moon” to analyze one broad social issue from the list below.

Social Issues

In an 1800 essay, based on the short story “her head a village” and “going to the moon” to analyze one broad social issue from the list below. You must also incorporate real life events to elaborate on the social issues as well.

Broad Social Issues:
Socially-constructed positions of identity. How are different positions constructed in society (what images are used, what power is associated)? How are conflicts between these positions negotiated?
The relationship between cultural identity, history and memory.
Authority and Authenticity. Who can speak? Who should speak? Questions of Power.
Balancing identities based on nation, religion, culture, sexuality, and gender, and the question of freedom. What happens when freedoms conflict?
Experiences of Immigration and Multiculturalism

In an 1800 essay, based on the short story “her head a village” and “going to the moon” to analyze one broad social issue from the list below.
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