Write an essay discussing on current operations and quality management issue/ business challenges.

Company Zara

Write an essay discussing on the following:

2.0 Current operations and quality management issue/ business challenges

2.1 Challenge 1

2.2 Challenge 2

2.3 Challenge 3

2.4 Challenge 4

2.5 Challenge 5

3.0 Implications of the challenges identified in the chosen company and the sector

3.1. Implication of challenge 1 on the company and the sector

3.2 Implication of challenge 2 on the company and the sector

3.3 Implication of challenge 3 on the company and the sector

3.4 Implication of challenge 4 on the chosen company and the sector

3.5 Implication of Challenge 5 on the chosen company and the sector

4.0 Operations and quality management improvement approaches and how they can resolve the challenges identified.

4.1 Total quality management as an improvement approach to the company and the sector

4.2: Lean as quality management improvement approach to the company and the sector

4.3 Six sigma as a quality management approach to the company and the sector

Write an essay discussing on current operations and quality management issue/ business challenges.
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