Provide an example of a time when you were pleasantly surprised by your interactions with someone in the hospitality industry – where they may have exceeded your expectations, dealt with a problem well, or just in general improved your mood.


For this discussion, provide an example of a time when you were pleasantly surprised by your interactions with someone in the hospitality industry – where they may have exceeded your expectations, dealt with a problem well, or just in general improved your mood.

Then, provide an example of a time you received not-so-great service and what that meant in terms of whether or not you would ever return to that place of business. Explain how this poor situation could have been handled better – perhaps in a way that would have made you give the establishment a second chance or even a recommendation.

Provide an example of a time when you were pleasantly surprised by your interactions with someone in the hospitality industry – where they may have exceeded your expectations, dealt with a problem well, or just in general improved your mood.
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