Read the passage below then explain do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post?


Read the passage below then explain do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?


Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance are the five stages that Kübler-Ross categorizes as part of the dying process. In the past, doctors have received very little socialization of how to communicate with patients who are dying and their families. To better handle the stress of caring for the dying person, it is essential for family members and friends who are close to them to first focus on maintaining their own health (Leming & Dickinson, 2020).
According to Nowinski and Okun’s Stages of Grief, families frequently unite and support one another during the Unity period. Everyone is contributing actively to the group effort to get their loved one well again. Everyone gets along, and there is a strong sense of productivity. At this time, people also try to work out whatever concerns they may have with the dying person (Caster, 2020).
Both the dying individual and family members find it difficult and embarrassing to bring up death when a person is nearing the end of their life. Each person may want to speak or remain silent for a variety of reasons. For fear of saying the wrong thing, some family members choose to remain silent. Or the person who is dying doesn’t speak because they hold the superstitious notion that speaking might speed up their death. Additionally, it’s common for family members to desire to hide their sorrow from a dying loved one, and vice versa.
I remember when my brother was dying of cancer, I felt like he was worried about a lot of things. Try to get the family to go to the cafeteria to eat and I stay with him. There I asked him, what happened, what he felt? He told me that he knew he was going to die but that he still had so many things to do, I told him that I was not going to die although within my wise that yes, I tried to be as strong as possible. He told me, everything that worried him, were basic things, that he take care of his children and that he take care of our brother that we had in common. I approached him and told him that I was going to take care of everything, that I could rest assured. He smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. Hours later he died.

Read the passage below then explain do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post?
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