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Responding to post week2 nr-534

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Classmate post.

According to Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid: leadership self –assessment questionnaire. Y leadership style is that of a team leader. My calculations for concern of people was 7.4. Calculations for concern of task is 6.8. A team leader is describe as a high task, high relationship with an encouraging team approach for effectiveness (www.bumc.bu.edu Links to an external site.). My Personality Typology Profile (PTP) is that of an Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging (ESTJ). Some characteristics of the PTP is a person that thrives for continuity and organization. These persons mobilize employees which translates into supervision, a sense of quick thinking with results (www.humanmetrics.com Links to an external site.). As explained by Islam & Bhattachar (2019), advantages of the grid techniques to help managers develop their leadership style. Limitations importance of internal and external and some scenarios are ignored by model.

I and Rossy leadership styles are that of a team leader. Based on our experience in nursing and common studies of executive leadership contributes to the team leadership style. Our personality traits are similar in thinking, different as she is an extrovert perceiving. Extroverts have an outgoing personality where as I tend to be more observant at first until comfortable in my surrounding.

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