Develop a summation of your knowledge of seven key points. Include a summary literature review supporting your knowledge and at least 2 artifacts or samples.


You are to develop a summation of your knowledge of seven key points.

Each key point represents a section of the literature review that should be handled as a brief paper. For each key point, include a summary literature review supporting your knowledge and at least 2 artifacts or samples. The summary literature reviews should be a minimum of two pages each, written in APA format.

Additionally, a one-page summary must accompany each artifact including: (1) a description, (2) reason for selection and (3) how item relates to literature. You may not use the same artifact in more than one section.

Sections of the Literature Review
1. What are learning and attention issues? Definition? Prevalence, (Literature review and artifacts)
2. Medical Aspects of LD/ Neuroscience (literature review and artifacts)
3. Family and Home Environment (literature review and artifacts)
4. ADD/ADHD: Characteristics, Symptoms, and assessment (literature review and artifacts)
5. Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy/Transition (literature review and artifacts)
6. Social, Emotional, or Behavior components of LD (literature review and artifacts)
7. Overall summation (discussion)

Develop a summation of your knowledge of seven key points. Include a summary literature review supporting your knowledge and at least 2 artifacts or samples.
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