Write an essay about the microeconomics of the minimum wage.

The Microeconomics of the Minimum Wage

Write an essay about the microeconomics of the minimum wage.

1. Must include at least one graph included in the body of the paper.

2. Have proper APA format and Abstract throughout the paper (proper margins, proper fonts, page numbers, proper citations).

3. 4 written pages of text using APA properly formatted writing.

4. The Minimum Wage has existed as a legal entity in the United States for over 80 years. There is a thorough and passionate debate about the impacts the minimum wage has on employers, employees, compensation, costs, unemployment, and efficiency, to name just a few. Explore the economic benefits and economic costs (the “pros and cons”) of the minimum wage in the USA. As always, it is not an option to opt out and say there are no benefits or there are no costs – also explore the issues. At the end of the paper, offer an opinion of what of all this.

5. The paper must use at least three disciplinary sources but not necessarily peer-reviewed sources. Wikipedia, other “pedias,” and videos are not disciplinary sources.

Write an essay about the microeconomics of the minimum wage.
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